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Monday, June 19, 2017

PUMZIKA TEMBO WA AFRIKA:Mazishi ya Cheick Tiote katika picha

Abidjan,Ivory Coast.

KIUNGO wa zamani wa Ivory Coast,Cheick Tiote jana Jumapili alihitimisha safari yake hapa duniani baada ya kuzikwa huko Abidjan.

Tiote alifariki kwa mshituko wa moyo mwanzoni mwa mwezi huko China wakati akifanya mazoezi na kikosi chake cha Beijing Enterprise.

The coffin of Tiote stands in the middle of a square ahead of his funeral serviceGoalkeeper Boubacar Barry pays tribute to the late Tiote as he walks past his coffinThe ex-Liverpool defender was joined by members of the Ivory Coast squadSalomon Kalou and Wilfied Bony flank Kolo Toure as they take their seats for the serviceA banner states that the late midfielder 'will always be in our hearts'The funeral of former Newcastle and Ivory Coast midfielder Cheick Tiote has taken place
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